LAGA: Layered 3D Avatar Generation and Customization via Gaussian Splatting
2Shengyu Ji*,
1Lin Geng Foo,
2Kang Chen,
3Hossein Rahmani,
1Jun Liu#,
1Singapore University of Technology and Design
3Lancaster University
*equal contribution
#corresponding author


Creating and customizing a 3D clothed avatar from textual descriptions is a critical and challenging task. Traditional methods often treat the human body and clothing as inseparable, limiting users' ability to freely mix and match garments. In response to this limitation, we present LAyered Gaussian Avatar (LAGA), a carefully designed framework enabling the creation of high-fidelity decomposable avatars with diverse garments. By decoupling garments from avatar, our framework empowers users to conviniently edit avatars at the garment level. Our approach begins by modeling the avatar using a set of Gaussian points organized in a layered structure, where each layer corresponds to a specific garment or the human body itself. To generate high-quality garments for each layer, we introduce a coarse-to-fine strategy for diverse garment generation and a novel dual-SDS loss function to maintain coherence between the generated garments and avatar components, including the human body and other garments. Moreover, we introduce three regularization losses to guide the movement of Gaussians for garment transfer, allowing garments to be freely transferred to various avatars. Extensive experimentation demonstrates that our approach surpasses existing methods in the generation of 3D clothed humans.

Results: Layered Avatars

Human body layer
Shoes layer
Pants layer
Shirts layer


This template was originally made by Phillip Isola and Richard Zhang for a colorful ECCV project; the code can be found here.